Africa - Page 239

African Union worries over Sudan distrust

THE African Union yesterday expressed concern at the lack of trust between Sudan's north and south over the implementation of their peace agreement, agency reports indicated The Agence France Presse (AFP) reported
15 years ago

France warns of civil war in Guinea

GUINEA could face a civil war if the country's military leader, Moussa Dadis Camara, returns home, France's Foreign Minister, Bernard Kouchner, has said. Kouchner told French MPs on Wednesday that Moussa Dadis
15 years ago

Niger vows to arrest exiled opposition leaders

NIGER has reactivated arrest warrants against three exiled opposition leaders, including a former president, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported yesterday. But the move may have jeopardised talks aimed at ending a
15 years ago

UN report wants Guinea’s junta leader tried

A UNITED Nations' (UN) report which was leaked to the media yesterday wants Guinea's military leader, Capt Moussa Dadis Camara, to be charged with crimes against humanity over the killing of opposition
15 years ago

Diakite admits shooting Guinean junta leader

 THE soldier accused over the assassination attempt on Captain Moussa Dadis Camara has admitted shooting the Guinean junta leader, telling French media he felt "betrayed" by his former boss. The British Broadcasting
15 years ago